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about me writing

I was born 28.11.1969 and grew up in Tana, Finnmark, the very north-east part of Norway. When I was 16 my family moved to Oslo, and since I have lived here, and in Nesodden for eleven years, but now I live in the city again.


I wanted to be a psychologist, I became a writer when I stood in line waiting to get on to the professional studies in psychology. I did not know I could write, that I had something to say. But I think probably not that writing is to convey a message, that I have prefixed mind about what to say, no, writing is to open a place, a beeing-space.


I heard Monika Fagerholm once say : " I write to change. " I wonder if I do too. In a way , perhaps, but more as an effect, that comes later, as a consequence. I write to be there. Here. Be with what I write, when I write. And I think, subsequently, change does take place. But I don't write to change. I write to explore whatever is, right now. To be with it, in the writing.


My latest book, published autumn 2013, is called There is a large open square in Bordeaux. Now I've just finished writing a new novel which I started immediately after the Bordeaux-book was finished. It came as a late twin, I had to end the Bordeaux-book because I felt there was another coming.

It is too early to tell what it's called, or what it is about. But the two, the Bordeaux-book and the new one, are interrelated, like wandering in different layers of a recognizable landscape, not with the same people, but echoing aspects of their relationship.

novels and other texts

The Blue Room is my first novel translated into english. It will be out in june 2014, published by Peirene Press, and translated by

Deborah Dawkin

2013  There is a large open square in Bordeaux /

         Det finnes en stor åpen plass i Bordeaux

2011  The Hyenas / Hyenene

2009  48 rue Defacqz

2008  Tomorrow it will be open to all / I morgen er det åpent for alle

2007  Where all is clear / Où tout est clair / Der alt er klart   w/ Pierre Duba

2006  The Calling - The novel / Kallet - romanen

2004  The Priest / Presten

2002  Week 43 / Uke 43

2000  The time it takes / Tiden det tar

1999  The Blue Room  / Like sant som jeg er virkelig

1997  Love / Kjærlighet

1995  Entropi

1994  Cut / Hakk


My novels are translated into 18 languages, such as russian, albanian, hindi, french, german, hebrew, serbian, hungarian, polish, rumanian, danish, swedish, and now also, finally!, to english.




literary awards

2007  Aschehougprisen

2004 Brageprisen

2004 Klassekampens litteraturpris

2002  Doblougprisen

2002  Amalie Skram-prisen

2000  Havmannprisen

2000  Oktoberprisen

1999  P2-lytternes romanpris

1999  Sultprisen

1998 Tanums kvinnestipend


Hanne Ørstavik forfatter rosenmetoden rosenterapi



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